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Top 10 improvements to your Transfer Pricing Documentation

A brand new year will start shortly, which is the perfect time to consider improvements to your Transfer Pricing (TP) Documentation. Companies often consider TP Documentation merely as a mandatory compliance exercise. It is however a great way to identify TP risks and opportunities.

Through our TP Documentation services and software, we annually support companies preparing thousands of Local Files. Based on our experience, this is our Top 10 of improvements to TP Documentation:

  1. Include ALL Master File / Local File data recommended by the OECD and include (material) additional data required under local regulations. Check out Annexes 1 and 2 to Chapter V of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines and various great online resources on local transfer pricing regulations.
  2. Prepare consistent documentation across your organisation by using data from a central source / tool, such as Manual changes often lead to discrepancies.
  3. Address the documentation to external readers, so avoid internal abbreviations and provide sufficient information about the business. The number of times we have seen documentation not describing an organisation’s key processes…
  4. Strike a balance between (too) short & practical and (too) long & theoretical documentation. Bear in mind that a lot of data is required to prepare solid documentation. 25 pages won’t cut it.
  5. The days of the one-sided functional analysis are looong gone. Analyse the functions, assets and risks of all parties to a transaction.
  6. In that same functional analysis, be clear about who does what. Don’t refer to teams, departments, divisions and business units without indicating to which legal entity or entities they belong.
  7. Compare the tested party’s ACTUAL result against benchmarks (in case of cost plus, resale price and transactional net margin methods). There isn’t much value in testing a TARGETED profit.
  8. Segment the profit and loss account of the tested party if an entity has multiple distinct activities, which require judgment on their own merits. This can be a tedious task, but it has to be done.
  9. Include intercompany agreements or inform the reader how they can easily be obtained. The contractual terms are the first comparability factor.
  10. Identify and analyse transactions individually, unless there’s a good reason to combine their analysis.

Reach out to Reptune to improve your TP Documentation!

Reptune can help you with your Transfer Pricing Documentation needs. Whether you’re an in-house transfer pricing team or you would like to outsource your transfer pricing, we are here to assist you. Get in contact with one of our experts today!

Get control over your Transfer Pricing Documentation today!

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Reptune was founded in 2015 by three enthusiastic Transfer Pricing specialists with Big 4 and in-house experience, a passion for Transfer Pricing and for Transfer Pricing Documentation in particular.